So, you’ve graduated high school, and you’re moving onto the big leagues, well you might need some help. College is completely different from high school, and you might not know what to expect. People think that college is all about partying and just having a fun time, and if you believe that, you’re in trouble.
After reading this article, you will feel better off about college, and you won’t feel nervous about that first quiz or exam. I will explain some valuable tips that I learned either by myself or from my friends. Some of you might not listen, and if that’s the case, good luck. Here are the three most important things I think you should know before starting your first year at college.
- Don’t slack off
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help
- Make time for yourself
Don’t slack off. Now I know most of you were the kind of person to keep up to date with homework and exams in high school. But, in college, you’re going to have more free time, and you can make your decisions now on how you use that extra time. College says for every hour you have for a class; you should spend two hours studying that content. We all know that nobody is doing that. Seriously though, give yourself more than a week to study for an exam, and jump onto homework and assignments immediately. I will chip away at an assignment and give myself about a week to do it. This helps you produce the best work possible and not stress about the deadline. Just don’t slack off, you need to have an excellent GPA for your first year.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. In my freshman year of college, I was this cocky kid and acted like I knew everything, you don’t. If you’re having trouble in class, you need to ask your professor. The internet or Youtube will not help your understanding, trust me. Why wouldn’t you go to the person that made the course and knows all the material? It may seem like your professors don’t care, and sometimes I even thought that. But, they have the best intentions, and they want you to succeed in class. The best way to get in touch with your professor is to email them and go to their office during the right hours. Please, ask for help, and don’t make the mistake I did.
Make time for yourself. When I first started college, I thought it was all about studying and studying every day. But, if you do that, your brain gets tired and won’t remember anything you studied. Yes, you might be busy with school work. You need to give your brain a break so it can work properly the next time you study. Also, it’s just nice to have a break sometimes and hang out with friends. The main reason you came to college was to get an education. But, it would be best if you tried to experience college life and make friends.
Do you feel ready for your first year of college now? No? Trust me after the first week, or so you’ll understand college, and feel better about it. It’s a learning experience, and you need to see what works and doesn’t work for you. Hopefully, you feel better and not so nervous about college after reading this.